the echo life

Sunday, January 27, 2008

the newest update

hi, i have decided this blog will stay the way it was, a mere potopholio of my street fashion portfolio.
i originally planned to make this blog into biligual (in both english and chinese), but due to censorship issues, people in china cannot have the access to view this page, so it's no point of doint that anymore.
therefore, my personal journals will be kept at (in case anyone is interested).
i'm planning to purchase a new portrait lense soon, and travel a bit more in the coming months. my passion for taking portrait of random people is growing again at the moment, so hopefully after a long while of no-updates, this page will revive to its bloom soon.
keep you posted...cheers!

Friday, January 18, 2008

the new beginning

from this moment on, I will post my personal journals here
this blog will be written in both chinese and english, which is a major transition for me. 'i regard myself as a 'bilingual', and seemingly a third language, dutch, will join in my life circle soon. nevertheless, chinese will stay as my root and english, my beloved second langueage, will always be my wings that take me high...